The Choices for what you create determines everything, not some random generated chance.
Available NOW, A Motivational And Inspirational Book and E-Book
Life is just a game; like any game all you need to learn are the rules to help you win.
Life has the meaning that you give it, through capturing
then using
the Power of Creation to create a life really worth living.
'The Laws of Attraction' taught how to attract what you want. 'The Laws of Creation' shows you what the greatest inventors throughout history knew and practiced, they created. The book advises: You are the creators of your own perceived reality. Don't be a creation of circumstances. Take full control of your destiny.
'The Laws of Creation' provides insights into The Secrets of what 'The Laws of Attraction' are really all about; harnessing the power within you to create the life that you truly deserve.
Open your mind to the infinite possibilities that exist for you. Born through dreams, crystallised into form by your desires, given impetus by your expectations, then made real through your beliefs and perseverance.
Do not surrender the decisions controlling your life by allowing others to interfere with your destiny, you have the right to make all the choices concerning how you experience life, start living by taking back control over your life now.
As the architect of your own reality, make the choices that control your destiny, create your own life path, your own fortune, that is based upon what you truly desire. Everything the you envision becomes real at some stage.
Your Life was meant to be wondrous adventure, you trade that ideal for whatever you have because of your complacency or whenever you accept whatever comes your way.
Life can seem to be full of mystery, even confusing on occasions, yet full of adventure; at times you can face obstacles and great tribulation. Still life is a wondrous experience that needn’t be a mystery to you, needn’t be a hardship, a challenge, or a drudge, but can be a joyous experience a wondrous adventure.
Life has the meaning that you give it through capturing then
utilising the power of creation to create a life worth living.
Create into your reality the things that you desire.
The Choices for what you create determines everything, not some random generated chance.
The purpose and meaning of life is to give purpose and meaning to your life
Life is just a game, like any game all you need to learn are the rules to help you win.
Within you is the freedom to become whatever you desire.
The rule is simple, take good care of the future or fear it; for if you don't plan the present and the future
to achieve your life desires, your bliss, then anything can and will happen. Fate has a terrible habit of filling
in gaps of life with anything that may come along, life then becomes an unstable game of chance, perhaps
taking you far from the original intended life path. Decide then plan for what you want from life, then work
towards putting energy into achieving these life goals, then more than likely what you aim for will become
yours, what you most desire and need will become your reality.
The meaning of life is the meaning you give it. The purpose of life is the purpose you give it.
Success is realizing the true joy and wonder of life can only be yours if you follow your own intuition aiming to achieve your bliss.
Each day offers you the chance to pursue something entirely new.
Everything you envision become your reality at some stage.
Attract into your reality the things that you desire.
You have the opportunity to create your own heaven on earth.
The path you create or follow becomes the story of your life.
Life was never intended to be taken seriously; it was always meant to be a joy.
Within you there is the freedom to become whatever you desire.
Maintain full control over all the important issues concerning your reality.
Always endeavor to treasure each moment as special for it will never return.
You attract into your life the things that you think about the most.
The future will be governed and created by the choices that are made from now.
Every situation can be what you make it through how you perceive it.
You have the ability to deny anything the right effect your personal reality.
Create your very own oasis within the desert of your perceived reality.
Within you is the freedom to become whatever you desire.
You are limited only by your unwillingness to take action.
Never settle for anything less than what you have set out to achieve.
Each action changes the course of the future in immensely complicated and intricate ways.
You have within you the tools to manage every element of your reality.
Your perceived world is governed by the actions you either take or don't take.
Your thoughts are far too valuable to be wasted on mundane intrusions.
Each new day offers you the chance to pursue the things you desire.
Your life is the accumulation of the choices you have made.
Create within your reality the things that will make your life special.
Infinite possibilities exist to create whatever you may desire.
Harness The Power within you to create the life that you truly deserve.
Start living your destiny by taking back the control over you life now.
You are limited only by your unwillingness to take action.
Fate will decide your future if you don’t intervene.
You have within you the ability to manage every element of your reality.
The Laws Of Creation is ideal reading for anyone who is searching for the answers to life's many mysteries. You are indeed the architect of your own life. Use your willpower to put into action the choices that will control you destiny, create your life path, your fortune.
Start living by taking back total control over your life now. Are you living or creating the life that you deserve, the life that you always imagined, the life that you really desire?
Can you realize your dreams, or are they gradually slipping away from you? You are in fact the masters of your very own universe, with the ability to create and attract whatever you need.
The Laws of Creation enables you to find out how to attract towards you what you most desire. You are the architect of your own life; use your willpower to make those choices that will control your destiny, wisely creating your life path, your fortune, whatever you conceive that to be. Start to live by taking back the control over your life now.
It is actually possible to be whoever or whatever you wish to be, based upon your choice to decide what course to follow in this life.
Finding yourself lies in how and what you decide to create; this is the basis of all the choices you get to make; some decisions are conscious others subliminal or externally influenced. Few people work from this base to create whoever they are or really wish to become.
Usually the self image or persona is a work in progress, gradually changing and evolving naturally, but also open to the whims of the moment and numerous external effects.
Usually the self image or persona is a work in progress, gradually changing and evolving naturally, but also open to the whims of the moment and numerous external effects. All the thing you have been expose to, every thought goes towards creating who you are and most importantly who you will become.
Everyone has the potential to control of their own destiny, no matter how difficult that may be to comprehend.Immaterial of how wondrous or dire your life situation may be there is potential to modify or completely change reality at will to become whatever you may desire to experience. Believe it or not, you are capable of recreating each and every aspect of your life at will.
The mind's capacity to dream, to imagine, or produce complexed and intricate daydreams is the unexploited part of the ability to create what is wanted. However, unfortunately, many don't bring those dreams into reality, they stay just dreams, wishes, hopes and ideas that are destined never to see the light of day.
Whenever your mind builds stories or scenarios it is possible for these to come true, either partially or entirely; so be careful what you think about or wish for. Repetitive thinking or doting on some subject will enforce it, causing it to happen within your life.
You are the creator of your own perceived reality; your actions, thoughts, beliefs, your mental and physical health, all contribute towards what you finally experience and perceive. If you don't spend the time and the energy to create the future then fate will surely do that for you.
When you create the future you have choices; when fate creates your future you have to accept what comes your way almost unconditionally, at least initially. If you then do nothing to change what is occurring you will then become destined to be buffeted by the various effects of whatever fate throws your way. You and your reality are the sum of what you perceive yourself and reality to be, nothing more and nothing less.